We're glowing after a very successful WeDigBio and have you all to thank for making it so. It warms our hearts to read of the many, many tangible accomplishments -- the projects getting completed, the transcriptions and georeferences rolling in, and all the digital data that are getting added to your invaluable biodiversity specimens. It's equally exciting to hear about the communities developing and growing around your collections, institutions, universities, and organizations. We hope to continue to see you online, contributing to transcription platforms and supporting collections!
Thank you hosts for taking the time and resources to organize events. We know this is a significant ask and appreciate your willingness to be a critical hub for WeDigBio events.
Thank you citizen scientists, onsite and online, for taking the time to digitize with us, for sharing your experiences on social media, and for joining us on Sococo. Data point by data point, you're helping to mobilize centuries of biodiversity information.
Thank you transcription platforms -- CitSciScribe, DIY History, DigiVol, Les Herbonautes, Notes from Nature, Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center and Symbiota -- and SciStarter for hosting and supporting projects and events, advertising, and interfacing with WeDigBio. |